Thursday, 23 October 2014

Hello Everyone!

I apologize for not blogging, I actually forgot! Ooops!  I've been so busy Fall Cleaning outside and in the greenhouse, and in the barn, that I totally lost track of time.

This has been a crazy couple of weeks of weather, BUT, in between rain storms and incredible winds I'm actually getting a lot accomplished: managed to dig out ALL the Dahlia and Gladiola bulbs ( thanks in big part to my father-in-law Tom!!  Thanks Dad!! ).  We have them drying in the barn right now, with a lovely fan blowing on them - hahhaha - will probably put them all into storage in a week or so, for the Winter.  They all doubled in size, so I'll have lots of bulbs for sale come Spring! Yayy!!  I also managed to transplant 4 holly trees, and planted 60 cedar hedging trees on Tuesday - trying to make a type of barrier between our property, and next door ( with my neighbour's blessing! ).

I have decided to keep the Stand open until the middle of November or so, as I still have a lot of Garlic & Squash to sell - so if you need to stock up, come soon.  I also have quite a few perennials left, potted, so come soon to plant now for Spring colour!

We had an amazingly productive field this year, with a bounty of everything - I want you to know that I'm not just selling it all here on the farm, or selling to Lepp Farm Market, and Hamilton Farms - I have made a point in also donating to the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen, and the Food Bank here in Abbotsford.  We are so fortunate to have this amazing property to grow fabulous food on, so I want to give back to the community somehow, and this is how I do it. :)

Pumpkins are at a premium, and I only have about 30 left, but still lots of Gourds and minis - I have reduced their prices to clear them out, so come take a look if you haven't already got yours for Halloween!

I'm writing this blog today, after hearing about the tragedy in Ottawa yesterday.  Our youngest daughter is living and going to school in Toronto right now, and phoned me today, and she is feeling very uneasy about living in such a large city.  We talked for a while, and I hope that she will feel more sure soon, but I totally understand where she's coming from.  Our country, and our world changed yesterday.  I guess what I want to say is..........make someone happy today, and tomorrow, and every day going forward - a simple thing like a smile, and a "good morning", or buy someone you don't know in the drive through a coffee.  You don't know what others are going through, and maybe a random act of kindness will change their day, and their outlook.  Just a thought.  I hope next time I'm at Tim Horton's driving through to get a coffee, you're in the car behind me, and I buy YOU a coffee!

Thanks again for your business!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road,  Abbotsford, BC  V4X2P3
in Beautiful Bradner!
Cell# 604-556-1330

Thursday, 9 October 2014

The rains are coming!  The rains are coming!

We've had the most amazing Fall again this year, but that is about to change.  Now is the perfect time to put in the last minute flowering shrubs for next year's Spring Colour!  The ground is still warm, and with all the rain about to hit us, you won't have to water at all.   I have Rhododendrons, Hydrangeas, Lilacs 3 - 5 gallon sizes for only $10.00 each.  I have 5 gallon or bigger Vine Maples for only $20.00 each.  Lots of 1 gallon sized perennials: Echinacea, Shasta Daisy, Crocosmia, Ornamental grasses, Lily of the Valley and more for only $2.00 each.   

With Thanksgiving this coming weekend, I would like to take this opportunity to Thank each and every one of you for your business.  I have surpassed my expectations for 'Year Two', and now really look forward to next year.  Already in the planning stages of what to grow next year - hahahhaa!

Fall is my favourite time of year, with all the warm colours now erupting from our plants - it just makes me happy to see the plants change into Autumn Beauty, and ready themselves for Winter.

This is one of my all time favourite plants.  It's called Virginia Creeper.  Not as invasive as an Ivy, but loves to climb and spread.......but in the Fall, you get this deep, rich red and burgundy!  I have this growing on the side of my house where the garage is.  I just love it!  If you need something fabulous to cover an old barn, or any building you might like to hide, this will do it, and then you too can enjoy the beautiful colours it brings in Fall!

With Fall, also comes a bounty of vegetables, like these fabulous Tomatoes!  I have tons, so if you're thinking of making salsa, or canning tomatoes for the Winter, let me know and I'll put some aside for you!  Maybe just a really amazing Tomatoe Salad with fresh basil and GOOD mozzarella with a drizzle of balsamic glaze?  Or how about a BLT, every day for lunch! YUM!

I was looking through Pinterest the other day and found this amazing quote......thought I would share it with you:

Why try and explain miracles to your kids, when you can just have them plant a garden. - Robert Brault

I love this quote!  It is so true - gardening is the most rewarding, and sometimes frustrating thing!  I knew in my heart that because I enjoyed gardening so much, that doing it as a side business would work for me.  Yes, it is challenging at times, and exhausting, but I love it!  Watching things grow from little tiny seeds, is an absolute miracle!

It's not too late to pick up a pumpkin or two for your Thanksgiving Table!  Come soon for the best selection!  I monogrammed the mini white pumpkins instead of name tags for our Thanksgiving Table, then all the guests can take them home afterward!  I have lots of mini whites left - it's not too late! :)

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  May God Bless you and your family!

Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road,
Abbotsford, BC   in Beautiful Bradner
Cell# 604-556-1330