Just a few updates for you today!
First flower cuts are now in the Big Stand - Sweet Williams, one of my personal favourites! It just reminds me of when I was a kid for some reason! And, beautiful Lilacs in Mauve & White bunches!
And something new for all you folks that want to garden, but don't have a garden! I have created 'Salad Bowls' for you - each container has 2 types of lettuce, spinach and kale - the perfect combination for a nice healthy salad. Pick off the biggest leaves and make your salad, and leave at least 3 - 4 smaller leaves to continue growing in it's container! Remember to water, and an easy vegetable fertilizer will help 10-10-10 at any nursery store - like Devan Greenhouses on Fraser Highway!!
These containers are only $ 8.00 each - hurry in while they last!
I still have lots of herbs to plant in your garden if you do have one!
Happy Gardening!
Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road
in Beautiful Bradner, BC
Cell# 604-556-1330