Sunday, 2 November 2014

Well, the time is approaching quickly.

I will be closing the Stand on Remembrance Day, and from now until then it will be open from 9am to 5pm, every day.

So this is your final warning to stock up on Garlic, Squash, Pickles and Jams!

I will be opening again in March, close to the same weekend as the Bradner Flower Show.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your business!  It has been the most amazing year!  This was only my second full year in business, and I feel that it has been much more successful than the first year!

Some great ideas are already in play for next year, so as we get closer to that time, I will start blogging again and let you know what's happening and when!

So, again, thank you for your business - and I look forward to growing some fabulous food and flowers for you next year!

Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road,
Abbotsford, BC  V4X 2P3  in Beautiful Bradner!
Cell# 604-556-1330

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Hello Everyone!

I apologize for not blogging, I actually forgot! Ooops!  I've been so busy Fall Cleaning outside and in the greenhouse, and in the barn, that I totally lost track of time.

This has been a crazy couple of weeks of weather, BUT, in between rain storms and incredible winds I'm actually getting a lot accomplished: managed to dig out ALL the Dahlia and Gladiola bulbs ( thanks in big part to my father-in-law Tom!!  Thanks Dad!! ).  We have them drying in the barn right now, with a lovely fan blowing on them - hahhaha - will probably put them all into storage in a week or so, for the Winter.  They all doubled in size, so I'll have lots of bulbs for sale come Spring! Yayy!!  I also managed to transplant 4 holly trees, and planted 60 cedar hedging trees on Tuesday - trying to make a type of barrier between our property, and next door ( with my neighbour's blessing! ).

I have decided to keep the Stand open until the middle of November or so, as I still have a lot of Garlic & Squash to sell - so if you need to stock up, come soon.  I also have quite a few perennials left, potted, so come soon to plant now for Spring colour!

We had an amazingly productive field this year, with a bounty of everything - I want you to know that I'm not just selling it all here on the farm, or selling to Lepp Farm Market, and Hamilton Farms - I have made a point in also donating to the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen, and the Food Bank here in Abbotsford.  We are so fortunate to have this amazing property to grow fabulous food on, so I want to give back to the community somehow, and this is how I do it. :)

Pumpkins are at a premium, and I only have about 30 left, but still lots of Gourds and minis - I have reduced their prices to clear them out, so come take a look if you haven't already got yours for Halloween!

I'm writing this blog today, after hearing about the tragedy in Ottawa yesterday.  Our youngest daughter is living and going to school in Toronto right now, and phoned me today, and she is feeling very uneasy about living in such a large city.  We talked for a while, and I hope that she will feel more sure soon, but I totally understand where she's coming from.  Our country, and our world changed yesterday.  I guess what I want to say is..........make someone happy today, and tomorrow, and every day going forward - a simple thing like a smile, and a "good morning", or buy someone you don't know in the drive through a coffee.  You don't know what others are going through, and maybe a random act of kindness will change their day, and their outlook.  Just a thought.  I hope next time I'm at Tim Horton's driving through to get a coffee, you're in the car behind me, and I buy YOU a coffee!

Thanks again for your business!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road,  Abbotsford, BC  V4X2P3
in Beautiful Bradner!
Cell# 604-556-1330

Thursday, 9 October 2014

The rains are coming!  The rains are coming!

We've had the most amazing Fall again this year, but that is about to change.  Now is the perfect time to put in the last minute flowering shrubs for next year's Spring Colour!  The ground is still warm, and with all the rain about to hit us, you won't have to water at all.   I have Rhododendrons, Hydrangeas, Lilacs 3 - 5 gallon sizes for only $10.00 each.  I have 5 gallon or bigger Vine Maples for only $20.00 each.  Lots of 1 gallon sized perennials: Echinacea, Shasta Daisy, Crocosmia, Ornamental grasses, Lily of the Valley and more for only $2.00 each.   

With Thanksgiving this coming weekend, I would like to take this opportunity to Thank each and every one of you for your business.  I have surpassed my expectations for 'Year Two', and now really look forward to next year.  Already in the planning stages of what to grow next year - hahahhaa!

Fall is my favourite time of year, with all the warm colours now erupting from our plants - it just makes me happy to see the plants change into Autumn Beauty, and ready themselves for Winter.

This is one of my all time favourite plants.  It's called Virginia Creeper.  Not as invasive as an Ivy, but loves to climb and spread.......but in the Fall, you get this deep, rich red and burgundy!  I have this growing on the side of my house where the garage is.  I just love it!  If you need something fabulous to cover an old barn, or any building you might like to hide, this will do it, and then you too can enjoy the beautiful colours it brings in Fall!

With Fall, also comes a bounty of vegetables, like these fabulous Tomatoes!  I have tons, so if you're thinking of making salsa, or canning tomatoes for the Winter, let me know and I'll put some aside for you!  Maybe just a really amazing Tomatoe Salad with fresh basil and GOOD mozzarella with a drizzle of balsamic glaze?  Or how about a BLT, every day for lunch! YUM!

I was looking through Pinterest the other day and found this amazing quote......thought I would share it with you:

Why try and explain miracles to your kids, when you can just have them plant a garden. - Robert Brault

I love this quote!  It is so true - gardening is the most rewarding, and sometimes frustrating thing!  I knew in my heart that because I enjoyed gardening so much, that doing it as a side business would work for me.  Yes, it is challenging at times, and exhausting, but I love it!  Watching things grow from little tiny seeds, is an absolute miracle!

It's not too late to pick up a pumpkin or two for your Thanksgiving Table!  Come soon for the best selection!  I monogrammed the mini white pumpkins instead of name tags for our Thanksgiving Table, then all the guests can take them home afterward!  I have lots of mini whites left - it's not too late! :)

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  May God Bless you and your family!

Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road,
Abbotsford, BC   in Beautiful Bradner
Cell# 604-556-1330 

Monday, 29 September 2014

Good Day Everyone!

With a little rain, returns all those stupid weeds - I'm sure if you have a garden ( or many like I do ), you've been fighting this battle all Summer, and just when you think it's all under control, a little rain reminds you that you don't have control at all!  AH!!!!  Back to the drawing board!

Pumpkin Sales are fast & furious right now, and I will be out of Large Orange Pumpkins soon.  I still have quite a few Medium Oranges - so hurry while they last!  I've had a few people order theirs via email or text, which I love!!  So if you want to do that as well, please contact me soon! :)

Here's two of the photos sent in by Sumeuy!  Thanks Sumeuy!!

The tomatoes are now ripening fast, so come get yours soon!  If you'd like a few pounds maybe to make your own Salsa, or canned tomatoes, let me know and I'll set that aside for you!

I just finished making my Red Onion Marmalade on the weekend, using my own grown red onions - YUM! - now available in the Stand at $4.00 per jar!  This is a wonderful little treat for cheese & crackers and of course WINE!  Would be great on burgers and hotdogs too, but it might be a little too sophisticated for that hahaha

Spent most of Sunday, prepping the field for planting Garlic!  Got it done before it rained, so I'm happy with that.  Lots of Red Russian again this year, but have 5 other varieties in the works as well.  A few of them will just be for planting stock for the following year, but I will have some Porcelain White Garlic available next Summer for purchase.  I will also be having Planting Stock available next Summer - so if you're interested in trying your hand at Garlic - you can order some next year!

I will also have Dahlia Tubers for sale in the Spring, but if you're interested in what they look like now, call me to view them all in full bloom in the field.  I can take your order, and have them ready for you in the Spring!

See you soon!
28875 Haverman Road
Abbotsford, BC  V4X 2P3 
in Beautiful Bradner, BC
Cell# 604-556-1330

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Hey Everyone!
I apologize for not blogging in the past 2 weeks - it's been a little crazy here on the farm, but things look better now.

Fall is definitely in the air, can you feel it?  It's getting a little cooler in the evenings, and the days are still a nice temperature.

With all the photos of the hundreds of pumpkins in my barn, I think I might be sold out before Halloween! hahahaha  Seriously, Devan Greenhouses bought most of my field, and I'm selling some every day at the Stand as well, so if you want awesome looking pumpkins at a really great price this year, please don't wait.  A lot of the pumpkins I have left are a little green still, which is good, because they will definitely last until Halloween.  Large only $3.00, Medium Orange & Whites $2.00, Birdhouse Gourds $ 1.50, and minis are only 75cents!  It's the first official day of Fall today, so don't wait to decorate!

Everything is winding down here on the farm, but I still have lots of produce:  Buttercup, Green Kobacha, and Spagetti Squashes, Onions, Garlic, Potatoes, Cabbage and Daikon Radish.  Nearing the end of Beets and Carrots.

The Stand will remain open until at least the first week of November, so come stock up!

Also: 1 Gallon Perennial Plant Sale going on now.  It's a great time to plant perennials in your Garden for next Spring & Summer colour!  Echinacea, Alstromaria (orange), Shasta Daisy, Ornamental Grasses, Lily of the Valley (White), two different sizes of misc Maple Trees, Crocosmia (Lucifer) and more!  Stock up now - only $2.00 per gallon pot.

Enjoy the cooler weather, and get your gardens cleaned up for Winter!
See you all soon!
Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road
in beautiful Bradner, BC
Cell# 604-556-1330

Monday, 8 September 2014

Did you hear that it snowed in Calgary today? Bahahahahaha
Our extended Summer weather has been amazing, but I have to admit, the cooler, damper mornings, warm days, and cooler evenings are absolutely my favourite part of the beginning of Fall!  Love the change of colours, and the smells in the air, and the bounty of harvest available now!

This is a precious little girl that visited my farm to pick out her pumpkin last year - I look forward to seeing her again this Fall.
And this little sweetie-pie just visited me last weekend, and picked out her special pumpkin!  I love the children that come here!  Their reactions to my little stand and all the goodies in it make this all worth while!  I REALLY look forward to having my own grandkids come and do the same thing, but until then, I love all your children and grandchildren that come to see me and my farm!  No, that's not a 'dig' to my daughters, but I do look forward to being a Grandma someday! :) XO

I can't believe that it's September already!  Where did the Summer months go - seriously, it has just flown by!  We're definitely in Fall mode here on the farm with the onions, garlic, squashes and pumpkins ready to go!  I have a recipe for a Curried Squash Soup for you at the stand - you have to try it, so easy and absolutely delicious!

Hard to believe, but the time is coming soon when I will close the Stand for the Season.  It won't be until a week or two after Halloween, but it's coming up fast.  So stock up as we head closer to that date!  ( I have a feeling that I'll have Garlic & Squash to take all of us right into Winter, but will keep you in the know! )

Once again, I want to thank you all for supporting the Farm - it's truly rewarding when I receive so many compliments and amazing comments from so many people.  This year is definitely even busier than last year - who knows what next year will bring!  Thank you for your honesty and support of my endeavours!

Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road
Abbotsford, BC  ( In Beautiful Bradner )
Cell# 604-556-1330

PS.  Don't forget about the Garage Sale at the Farm this coming Saturday, September 13th from 8am - 4pm - lots of goodies!

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

A sea of Pumpkins, taking all the floor space in my barn!  Fall is here my friends!

I am very excited to be partnering with Devan Greenhouses this year - they practically bought my entire field of pumpkins - so if you're shopping there, think of me hauling all those pumpkins out of the field! hahaha  Next year I'll be working closely with Devan and growing specifically for them - I am very excited!

It's definitely feeling like it's Fall these past few days, and everything is slowing down now in the field as well, but I still have a lot of produce to offer you: onions, garlic, green beans, squashes, tomatoes, apples, daikon radish, cabbage, beets, carrots and more!  Stop in soon to fill your freezers and fridges.  Now would be an awesome time to make huge recipes of Squash soup and freeze portions for those crazy busy days in the Winter!

Fall Sale on flowering Shrubs starting today!  Everything must go at crazy prices.  Need to make room for the next stage of Yakashiro Farm & Gardens!  I have lots of Rhododendrons, Hydrangeas, Lilacs, Astilbe, Echinacea and Rhudbeckia - stop in and I'll put your name on the plants you want, and dig them and pot them a little later in the Season for you!

Garage Sale here on the farm - Saturday, September 13th from 8am - 4pm only.  Our younger two daughters have moved out, and don't need everything they had before, so we're selling everything, plus some things from me as well.  We have loveseats, storage cabinet, queen sized bed & boxspring (almost new), butcher block island on wheels for your small kitchen, and many household items.  Come on by and take a look!

AND, my BFF and her hubby are moving to Kelowna ( very sad to see them go, but excited for the next stage in their lives too! )  They are having a garage sale this weekend, and they have a lot of quality items.  Saturday, Sept 6th 8am - 4pm  3791 Murphy Street, in Abbotsford ( close to Remple's Meats ).

See you all soon!
Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road
in Beautiful Bradner, BC !
Cell# 604-556-1330

Monday, 25 August 2014

Well, there you have it!  The new 'thing' I was telling you about last week.  This is now sitting in the front yard, by the Stand.  It was an old oil drum that Colin's Dad & Grandpa used for their machinery here on the farm, way back in the 50's.  It was just begging to be used again, in another capacity! Yayy - something to put our Family's Legacy on!!  Hope you like it!

This has been the most interesting past few days.  I have been picking pumpkins for a large order going to Devan Greenhouses.  It's been so fun checking out the different shapes and sizes of these pumpkins.  So far, the biggest one I've pulled is 42 pounds!  Picking all the pumpkins and cleaning them is a really hard and long job, but it is so much fun at the same time.

The squashes are ready for sale!  I have Buttercup, Kabocha Green, and Kabocha Orange!  They made their debut today in the stand.  Only $1.50 per squash.  Cabbage is back in the stand as well.

If you are wanting to do some pickled beets, I still have lots left after I've done all my pickling, so give me a call if you need more than just a couple - I can pick it ahead for you, so you don't have to wait when you get here!

Liberty Apples are also ready - sold my first batch today - this apple is so crunchy and tart, but makes the best apple sauce and apple pie ever!!  Gotta try them.  I will be grafting more for my own orchard next Spring! :)  And Tomatoes are making their way slowly - they are delicious this year!

It's hard to believe that Summer is almost over already - where did the time go??
Come by and check out what I've got soon!  Would love to meet you!

Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road,
in Beautiful Bradner, BC!
Cell# 604-556-1330

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Oh my!
I've been so busy that I completely forgot to publish a new blog yesterday!

A day late, but better late, than never!

So I have a few updates for you all.
Sold Out : Blueberries, Raspberries, Cucumbers, Sunflowers

Coming by Labour Day Weekend!:
Buttercup Squash, Japanese Kabocha Green Squash, Japanese Kabocha Orange Squash, Japanese Daikon Radish, Tomatoes, Bronco Cabbage, Japanese Cabbage and many, many, many Pumpkins of all sizes and shapes!   I'm ready for Fall Decorating already, so you may as well be too! :)

In the past week I have done some more canning and pickling:  Pickled Beets, Hot Spicy Relish, and Pickled Hot Peppers! Yikes!

Tonight, I am spending the evening, peeling Garlic - it smells awesome in my house right now!  I will pickling garlic hopefully by Thursday, so it will be ready for sale next week!

I want to thank those of you that are telling people about my little stand - it's getting busier all the time, and it's very exciting for me!  

My father-in-law and I are still working on renovating the barn, when we have a little spare time, and it's really starting to come together.  There's stuff in that barn that is over 50 years old, and we're still discovering things every week - it's fun to find implements that Colin's grandfather used on this farm - Yes, we're the third generation to farm here!  The farm was purchased by Colin's Grandfather in 1952.  It's an amazing legacy, and I'm proud to be farming it along with my father-in-law!  Look for a new 'item' coming soon to the farm - you'll notice it when you drive into the driveway by the Stand - soon!

I need to get back to my peeling garlic, so talk to you soon!

Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road,
Abbotsford, BC  in Beautiful Bradner!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Well, I just had to share this photo with everyone.  I picked all of these yesterday, Saturday, August 9th - as you can see - I'm ready for Fall! Hahahahaha  I've left these in the Stand with a posted sign for prices.  If you think you'd like to order ahead, please let me know.  I am also providing a few companies in Abbotsford and Langley with my pumpkins this year too, so I'm excited for Fall Sales!  The Big Orange Pumpkin is 42 lbs, the Medium Orange Pumpkin is 18 lbs, and the Medium White Pumpkin is 9 lbs.  I have three varieties of Mini, white, and orange/white striped.  The Green Gourd in the front is called a Birdhouse Gourd - when it is fully ripe, it will be a light brown/tan colour.  You can cut a hole in the bigger part, hollow out the gourd, let dry and hang to use as a birdhouse - so all you crafty people - stock up!  I will be doing some folkart painting on some of them over the Winter, and will have them ready for sale in the Spring next year!

Within the next few weeks, I will have Squash ready for purchase!  This year I planted Buttercup ( my personal fave! ), Green Kabucha, and Orange Kabucha squash.  They are all delicious, and I have a bumper crop this year!  I will also have Daikon Radish - an Asian specialty - very happy with this crop this year too! Yayy!

There's lots of Red Onions, and White Onions now, Leeks and Garlic too!  The second round of Cabbage will be ready in a few weeks hopefully - I have large Bronco Green Cabbage, and large Japanese Cabbage ( makes the best cabbage rolls! ).

See you soon!
Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road
in Beautiful Bradner, BC !

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Please look at this photo very carefully.  This picture was taken just a few days ago.  It is only the first week of August, and my pumpkins are already ripening!  This photo doesn't do the pumpkin justice, but it's about 25 pounds!

With all this warm, humid weather, everything in the field is ripening fast!  It's hilarious, and a little scary too.  I worry that harvest season will be over sooner than last year.  With my new walk in cooler, and the refrigerated cooler in the stand, I am able to keep the veggies a little longer, BUT I do not have a cooler big enough for the two tons of pumpkins I will have - Yes, folks, Yakashiro Farm & Gardens will have the pumpkins for sale right after Labour Day weekend to start your Fall Decorating early!

I have tons of zuchinni and cucumbers right now too - so dig out those zuchinni recipes, and start cooking and baking - if you need a new recipe, let me know - I have tons - in fact I made a big batch of Zuchinni Parmesan ( which a lot of people use eggplant for, but I use zuchinni, and it's delicious, and cheaper! )

Lots of garlic, and onions are ready!  Jalapeno & Hot Hungarian Wax Peppers, Cayenne Peppers are coming!  There will be a lot of tomatoes this year too - 3 varieties: Better Boy, Early Girl and Beefsteak!  With this heat, they will be ready in a week or two.

Raspberries are finished for this season, but I still have some blueberries!

Potatoes are more than ready - The Yukon Gold are awesome, and the Nugget ( New Potatoes ) too.  The Nugget potatoes are really big ( has to be our soil here ), but they are still sweet and delicious - The Nugget potatoes are on Sale until I sell out - 3 lb. basket for only $1.00 ( Yukon Gold - $2.00 for 3 lb. basket ).

Nugget potatoes make the most amazing potatoe salad - but if you're looking for something else - try this:  quarter the bigger potatoes and put in a pot to boil - only boil until they are just slightly tender - not cooked all the way through.  Drain water, and throw all the quartered pieces in a big buttered baking dish, like a lasagne dish 9x13.  Pour 1/4 cup melted butter over top, Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and add 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese.  Bake, uncovered, in 450 degree oven for about 20 - 25 minutes, until bubbly and slightly browned!  Quick and easy - and a great way to feed a crowd!

Hope you all had a great, relaxing long weekend!

See you soon!
Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road
in Beautiful Bradner!
Cell# 604-556-1330

Monday, 28 July 2014

Good Monday Everyone!
This photo was taken by one of my customers yesterday with my beautiful white Gladiolas!  I just had to share this photo with you all!  Thanks Sumeuy!  Love that!

Yes, the first Gladiolas are here, along with many, many Dahlias now!  Blooming more every day!  It's just gorgeous out in my field right now!

Lots of vegetable are here now, and huge!  I have a new crop of cabbage, and they must be more than 5 pounds- so delicious - used one to make lazy man cabbage rolls on the weekend, and still have lots for coleslaw!  If you like to plan ahead, put a few in your freezer to make cabbage rolls in the Fall.  No boiling and scalding needed, just take out of the freezer the day before you need them, rinse off the leaves, and they are ready to use!  So much easier than boiling the leaves!

The Red Russian Garlic is ready to purchase now, and tons more drying in the greenhouse and in the barn - I will definitely have lots to last all of us into the Fall this year!  I was taking some friends through the fields on the weekend, and discovered many, huge pumpkins already so big - there's even a few that are close to 30 pounds - hilarious, and it's only the last week of July.  They are definitely still green, but they're going to be huge this year - I planted 4 varieties of pumpkins ( 3 orange, and 1 white ), Plus, lots of mini decorative pumpkins too.  So don't buy yours anywhere else, come here - you can pick out the ones you want and need for decorating for Fall and Halloween!

I swear with those few days of heavy rain last week, everything has doubled in size since then!  Crazy!  But it's so fun!

Onions will be coming with in a week, so stay tuned!  

I had the wonderful opportunity today to visit Gusto Garlic Farm in Maple Ridge.  Now that's Paradise!  Beautiful Log Cabin home, and beautifully situated on the property.  I learned a lot about Garlic planting and harvesting today - I will be expanding the Garlic portion of my farm this year - look for Porcelain Garlic next year as well as Red Russian!  Thanks to Al & Donna Kozak, for their time and hospitality!  I really enjoyed my visit!

Thank you all for such great support - I really do love meeting you all here on the farm, and really appreciate your honesty!

Have an awesome week!

Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road
in Beautiful Bradner!
604-556-1330 Cell

Monday, 21 July 2014

Good Day Everyone!

These past few days with a bit cooler weather has really helped, but I would still like to see a little rain!!  I know, I know, I just said the warmth of the hot spell was great, but just a little rain for the field produce! :)

I've taken advantage of this cooler weather and done some pickling!  
Now Available in the Stand:  Garlic Dill Pickles, Sweet Hot Dog Relish, and by Wednesday...... Mustard Pickles ( an old family favourite - hope you love them too! ).

The Red Russian Garlic is now available in the stand - right now in Netted Bags of 4 bulbs for $5.00 ( singles will be available by the end of the week for $1.25 per head ).
Cabbage, Beets and Carrots are now available!  Green beans have been taking their sweet time coming up, but now they're looking great - in the Stand today!

I still have a lot of Rhubarb in the field, but please call ahead to order - I want you to have fresh, not wilted rhubarb!

Dahlias are up and blooming like crazy now - so fill your home with beautiful flowers - and don't forget your Moms!  Everyone loves Dahlias!

Off to make my Mustard Pickles this morning!

And if you believe in prayer - please pray for our middle daughter Michele - she ruptured her achilles tendon last night during a soccer game - please pray for speedy and complete recovery for her!  Thank you!

See you soon!
Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road,
in Beautiful Bradner, BC
Cell# 604-556-1330

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Hello Everyone!
I hope you're all enjoying this unbelievably hot weather!  Hard on the plants and the farmers, but so nice to be warm! :)

With all the rain in June, and now the hot weather, everything is coming up quickly.

My New Potatoes ( Warba ), and Yukon Gold Potatoes are ready!  Oh man, they are so good!
Lots of Zuchinni available.
Also:  Raspberries, Blueberries, Cucumbers, Green Beans, and Sno Peas!

Checked on the Carrots and Beets today, and we're really close - hopefully by the end of this coming week they'll be good to go!

I've lifted all the Red Russian Garlic - I need about a week to cure them, and they'll be ready as well.

Hope to see you at the Stand soon!  It's been so warm, that I'm leaving the cut flowers in the big stand closer to the house, so make sure you don't drive by - the flowers are in the big stand for a while.  Lots of Sunflowers, Alstromaria, Astilbe and more!

Thank you all for being honest!  

Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road
in Beautiful Bradner!
Cell# 604-556-1330

Monday, 7 July 2014

Hello Friends!

Well produce season is under way.  This week, I have available:
Fresh Rhubarb - please order ahead - 75 cents per lb.
Sno Peas
Green Beans

Cut Flowers now available:
Baby's Breath
Lavendar Bundles

All the jams have been replenished, and the pickling products will be happening within the next month!

Happy Gardening!
Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road
in Beautiful Bradner, BC
Cell# 604-556-1330

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Happy Belated Canada Day!
I hope you all got some down time over the 'sort of' long weekend, if you were able to get Monday off as well!

Fresh Vegetables are just around the corner now!  I had my first cucumber and zuchinni over the weekend, and I can honestly say, that there is nothing tastier than freshly picked fruit and vegetables, right off the vine, or tree, or out of the ground.  It's incredible how little flavour fruit and vegetables have in the store, especially once you get used to home grown produce!

I have a new whiteboard sign out front now, that will give you daily features for fruit and veggies that are in the stand every day.  Today I have the last of my Garlic Scapes, and fresh cut Rhubarb!  The way zuchinni grows, I do believe I will have some ready before the weekend!  Get out those zuchinni recipes!  If you need some, let me know!  I have tons! 

Fresh batches of Raspberry, Strawberry-Rhubarb, and Rhubarb jams have been made over the long weekend!  I ran out of Raspberry Jam quite a while back, so I made 4 times the amount this year! :)  Except for the Rhubarb ( which I now have a ton of again! ), I buy my fruit for jams from Krause Farms in Langley.  My crops are not quite big enough yet for that much jam making.

I still have two sections in my massive garden that have been overtaken with weeds, but that is my task before this coming weekend.  I actually feel like I'm getting on top of it! Yayy!

I wanted to forward a pet peeve of mine - and please don't judge me.  I will do my best to not be political, and I totally believe in a farmers' right to farm, but some things really upset me.  My next door neighbour grows blueberries.  I grow blueberries.  I don't spray my blueberries and have quite a crop this year, only being a two year old crop, it's incredible!  I'm very excited!  My neighbour, over the weekend, sprayed his already ripening crops three times.  I am very concerned with the amount of sprays put on these blueberry crops - so please do yourself a favour, and when you are purchasing blueberries, or any berries for that matter - ask the vendor if they spray their crops, or if they use Cannons in their property.  I am especially concerned with all the Insecticides sprayed - as my crops are flowering now, and if someone is spraying for bugs, that does include Bees, which are the most important part of gardening for pollination and produce production!  Here's hoping there's an invisible barrier between my property and flowering plants, and his.  Okay, enough.  PS. Krause Farms does not use sprays or cannons on their farm!

I wanted to share a photo of my beautiful climbing pale pink rose growing in my back yard.  I planted it 4 years ago over an antique rusty trellis - it's in full bloom right now, and gorgeous!  Enjoy!

I still have some herbs ready to be planted in your garden : Mint, Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Thai Basil, and Cilantro.  Get in while they're still here!

Until next time!
Happy Gardening!
Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road,
in Beautiful Bradner, BC
Cell# 604-556-1330

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Good Morning!
Well, I'm slowly getting caught up with my weeding.  My father-in-law gave me a 'hoeing' lesson yesterday AGAIN - apparently he just doesn't like that I hoe by hand mostly, so yesterday I spent most of the morning hoeing with an actual hoe!  My technique has a lot to be desired, but it will come - I guess weeding 2 acres by hand is somewhat unreasonable! hahahaha

My response is that if it would stop raining so much, there wouldn't be so many stupid weeds!  At least the plants themselves look lush and healthy, when you can find them amongst the weeds :)

I cut my first Sunflowers last night - you are supposed to take off the lead flower to start the year off, so the plants will get bushier, so I am enjoying the lead flowers myself, but within a week or two, there will be lots to sell at the stand!  I also have a lot of Shasta Daisies ready to for cut flowers this week!  I don't know why, but Shastas and Sunflowers just make me smile - they just seem like happiness flowers!  I hope you love them too!

I saw my first zuchinni while weeding on the weekend!  Only still tiny, but we all know how fast and abundant they will grow - so look for an announcement for that. That also means, I will be making more of the Spicy Hot Dog Relish soon too! Also, my Rhubarb is ready for the second cut!  I can't believe it!  It's at least 2 to 3 weeks early for the second cut, but YAYY!!  I will be in the process of making Strawberry - Rhubarb jam again next week - the Strawberries in the Valley are amazing right now - make sure you get out and buy some - I buy mine at Krause Farms, but I hear that Driediger Farms, and Mann Farms are awesome as well.

It's raining this morning, so I will take advantage of this weather and get some housework done ( and maybe a little shopping :)).

Hope you all have a fabulous week, and a wonderful Long Weekend if you get it off!  Stop by if you get a chance - would love to meet you!

Happy Gardening!
Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road
In Beautiful Bradner, BC

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Hey Everyone!

I'm a day late on posting - sorry! 
Our middle daughter Michele has purchased her first home, and I've been helping paint before she moves in officially this weekend!  Very excited for her new adventure - it's a beautiful place, and she deserves it! :)

So, today, I finally received my refrigeration unit for the Big Stand!  I'm excited about this because it will help keep my veggies cool during the hot summer months, and hopefully less waste because of it.  

I even have my first produce in there today - Garlic Scapes!  This is a unique vegetable that is extremely popular in the Food Industry.  It is officially the unflowered portion of the flower and stem from growing garlic.  Try pan frying in a little olive oil, salt & pepper, and serve warm!  Some people have been known to call it Garlic Asparagus - definitely has a garlic flavour - YUM!   Try grilling on the bbq.  There's a recipe online for Garlic Scape Pesto! Try it, you'll love it!!!!  And, if you've picked up some at Lepp Farm Market - YAYY - ( They're mine!! )  Thanks Lepp for supporting local farmers!

I'm in the gardens weeding like crazy, and thinning some of the veggies that need thinning!  There's going to be lots this year!  Good thing my new walk in cooler is now ready for use thanks to my father-in-law!  Thanks Tom!  

Also, very excited to see flowers on my squash and pumpkin plants already!  Looks like it will be another wonderful year for them as well!

Okay, well that's it today.  
Oh yeah, wanted to let you all know that my hubby, Colin, told me last week that he has my blog on his Favourites, because then he actually knows what I'm up to - Hilarious! - I told him, he should start a blog, so I know what he's up to!  hahahahahaha  But, honestly, love the support from you Colin! Thanks XO

Happy Gardening!
Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road
in Beautiful Bradner, BC!
Cell# 604-556-1330

Monday, 9 June 2014

Well, it's really starting to feel like growing season now!

I have my Tomatoes and Hot Peppers now planted in the greenhouse, which the produce from will be sold when they're ready.  I also use my hot peppers in a couple of canned items......Hot Pickled Peppers (crazy good on anything!), and Spicy Hotdog Relish - brings weenie roasts to a whole new level! YUM!  I have completely sold out of these two items, as well as my Pickled Beets.  BUT, the good news is, there's lots growing out in the field, so once they are ready, I'll be busy in the kitchen again, canning and pickling!!

Lots of Fresh Cut Flowers are now available daily - Peonies, Long Stem Roses, Sweet Williams, Delphiniums, and Alstromeria!

Father's Day is coming up, and if Dad doesn't like flowers, we still have lots of Herbs for sale - and we do have a couple of Herb Planters left for only $25.00 each - and they are growing out of control!  Great for on the deck or by the back door, if you don't want to walk all the way to the garden each time you need fresh herbs, or maybe you just don't have a garden!

My fabulous Father-in-Law, Tom, who lives on the property with us, has been helping me SO much around the farm.  You will notice the new siding we have on the barn, which has now been stained a beautiful Hickory colour! LOVE IT!!  And he is now just putting the finishing touches on my walk-in cooler inside the barn, for storing cut flowers and vegetables!  I'm especially excited to have this cooler, as in the heat of the Summer, you can lose a lot of vegetables and flowers to the heat - this is really going to help me - PLUS, it will act as a cold storage throughout the winter!  Very excited to have this!  Thanks Tom/Dad - you are the very best!  LOVE YOU!!

I'd like to give you a quick preview of what vegetables will be coming up:
I call this first portion my Borscht Garden ( because of my German background, this is a must for me and my family :) )
Yukon Gold Potatoes
Warba (New) Potatoes
Green Beans
Red Onions
White Onions
Red Russian Garlic ( I planted a lot this past fall )
Buttercup Squash
Kabucha Squash, both Green & Orange
Pumpkins - 4 different varieties ( 3 different orange, and 1 white )
Baby Pumpkins
Daikon Radish ( Asian favourite )

I do have Garlic Scapes ready NOW - great pan fried or in stir fry!  Some people call them Garlic Asparagus - a real speciality!

That's all the time I have today!
Come by for a visit or a tour ( call ahead for a tour )!
Happy Gardening!
Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road
in Beautiful Bradner, BC
Cell# 604-556-1330

Monday, 2 June 2014

Sorry, for this late addition!
I have sold out of Rhubarb as of yesterday, but the second pick is already growing beautifully!
Should be ready around mid-July!
Welcome to the Real Spring Weather!

How beautiful has it been the past week?  Love this!  And so do the plants.  After all that rain, now the warmth can really make everything grow!  So don't forget to fertilize, because all that rain will have washed away nutrients for our wonderful plants!

I have a special on for this week only!
1 Gallon Lily of the Valley ( white flowers ) for only $1.00 per gallon pot.
I love these beautiful little plants, they self seed, and they can really fill in bare spots in your garden!  They love part shade, but will do relatively well in sun too!

I still have a few herbs kicking around, so come get them before it's too late!  Summer Savoury, Dill, Thai Basil, Cilantro, Thyme, Marjoram, and more coming!

If you love cut flowers, like I do, Sweet Williams will be ready this week - probably TODAY!  And the Peonies, Delphiniums and Alstromaria are very close as well! Yayy!!

Sorry this has to be a short post, as the Sun is calling me outdoors this morning!

If you'd like to come by for a tour, just give me a call ahead of time!
Thanks to all the customers that have returned already from last year, and it's so great to see so many new ones!  Thanks for spreading the word everyone! Love you all for that!

Happy Gardening!
28875 Haverman Road
in Beautiful Bradner
Cell# 604-556-1330

Monday, 26 May 2014

I hope you all survived the deluge of rain we've had over the past few days!  Crazy!  But good too, for those of us that have a lot of watering to do - we are good for a while I think! 

If you're like me, and you're trying to eat better, and take good care of yourself, you will have most likely tried Quinoa ( pronounced keen-wa ).  It is SO good for you, and is fairly easy to grow.  I have starter 1 gallon pots of White Quinoa plants for only $3.00 - there are at least 5 plants in each gallon pot.  They should be planted outdoors in a garden, or in very large containers - remember to fertilize with any kind of general vegetable fertilizer, for optimum results!  I only planted 18 pots, so hurry while they last!

My fields are planted with lots of wonderful fruits and vegetables, and cut flowers galore!  I look forward for harvesting time.  I have purchased a refrigerator unit for the big stand to help in preserving the fruit and vegetables in heat of the Summer.  

It's still not too late to plant some perennials in your garden - stop by for a tour!  If you let me know in advance that you're coming - I may even put the coffee on!

See you soon!

Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road
in Beautiful Bradner

Cell# 604-556-1330
You can also subscribe to my blog:

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Good Day Everyone!
Well, it's been a whirlwind week at Yakashiro Farms!  Lots of renos still going on, and lots of planting out in the field.  Man, I love our new tractor - makes life so much easier - maybe too easy hahahaha.....instead of actually weeding parts of the field by hand, I've been just rotovating it under...... LOVE THAT!!

New this weekend, for the Long Weekend, Herb Planters only $25.00, and lots of individual herb plants to get your Chef On!

And some cut flowers are now ready - beautiful bearded iris'!  3 stems for only $3.00.  They are gorgeous in a long tall vase!

Don't forget - the Shasta Daisies are now ready for planting - 1 gallon size only $2.00! See photo below!

I'm almost out of potted Everbearing Strawberries - 1 gallon size only $2.00!

And the Pampas Grass has finally shown it's stems!  - 1 gallon size only $2.00!

I'm going to be around for most of the long weekend - rain or shine - so stop in and say hi!  I would love to meet ALL of my fabulous customers - and if you're looking for something in particular ( and I may not have it ), please let me know, and I'll source it out for you!

See you soon!
Happy Gardening!

Yakashiro Farms & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road
In Beautiful Bradner, BC !
Cell# 604-556-1330

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Hello Everyone!
Hope you are all doing well.  I have to apologize to those of you that came by the farm this past week and found a CLOSED sign.  My father passed away on Friday April 25th.  It was sudden and unexpected, so it was a little chaotic around here.  
The memorial was on the weekend, and the worst part is over - so back to business, as that's what my Dad would do.

Mother's Day is this coming weekend, and I have only a few Flower Box Planters left, so hurry in for the best selection!  Only $15.00

If your Mom is a practical lady, then maybe buying some kind of perennial or shrub would be a better gift - I have lots to choose from - if you want to make sure I'm here when you decide to come by, then please send me an email or text before you head over.

Besides the Rhudbeckia (Black Eyed Susan) 1 gallon pots now available - I also have 1 gallon Shasta Daisies ready to go!  All 1 Gallon pots only $2.00 each!  I have something for shade gardens, and full sun!

With last weeks' awesome weather, everything is growing quickly in the greenhouse, so I'm fairly confident I will have the Herb Pots ready just before the long weekend.  Remember, the plants may look a little small right now, but they will grow all summer as long as you fertilize and water them!  Lots of fresh herbs for all your barbequing needs!

Come by - give me a call first if you want to see me, or want a tour of the farm!
Hope to see you soon!
Cell# 604-556-1330

Monday, 28 April 2014

Well, after a week of fairly cool temperatures, and a lot of rain....the forecast for this week sounds amazing - here's hoping! :)

We're still just under two weeks away from Mother's Day, so don't forget to pick up something for that special Woman in your life.  I do have some filled Flower Boxes and other smaller planters - you can still pick one up now, and then you're not left scrambling the day before ( like so many of us sometimes do! ).

One gallon Rhudbeckia (Black-Eyed Susans) are now ready for sale - 1 Gallon Pots only $2.00!!

I still have lots of 1 Gallon perennials in stock: Gypsophila (perennial Baby's Breathe), Bearded Iris'(purple), Lily of the Valley(white), Sedum, Willamette Raspberry,  Everybearing Strawberry, Oregano, Thyme, and now Rhudbeckia - still only $2.00 per 1 gallon pot.  5 Gallon Rhubarb ( ready to plant in the ground with ready stocks ), only $10.00.

I had the awesome opportunity to Volunteer at the Annual Van Dusen Plant Sale over the weekend, and it was crazy!!!  I have a very good friend, Sara, who has attended this annual event for years (tried to get me to go, but I always had prior engagements), and she raved about the selection and the overall pandemonium.  Well it was absolutely hilarious.  Sunday's sale started at 10am sharp, and all of a sudden I felt a rumbling on the ground and overwhelming noise, only to realize quickly that is was not an earthquake, but over 10,000 people running at the starting line to make their way into the gardens for the sale. People were running up and almost yelling " Do you have a Fuji Apple Tree! Do you have Blueberry bushes?!" It was so crazy!  I loved it!  I was helping my new friend Derry from Derry Orchards in Langley.  Her and her friend Laurelle specialize in Fruit Trees and Berry plants - and Derry has been teaching me how to graft my own Apple Trees, which I am having some great success!  This will be something that I will be adding to my farm, and I'm very excited.  I grafted 10 Liberty Apple trees in early March of this year and they have all taken - so very excited about my new skill!

Coming Soon: Variety of Herbs in 4 inch pots, Herb Planters ( various sizes and prices ), and QUINOA (first time trying this wheat-like product).

Fresh Rhubarb is now available - 75 cents per pound.  Email me, text or phone to order ahead!

Happy Gardening!
Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road, Abbotsford, BC V4X 2P3
Cell# 604-556-1330