Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Good Morning!
Well, I'm slowly getting caught up with my weeding.  My father-in-law gave me a 'hoeing' lesson yesterday AGAIN - apparently he just doesn't like that I hoe by hand mostly, so yesterday I spent most of the morning hoeing with an actual hoe!  My technique has a lot to be desired, but it will come - I guess weeding 2 acres by hand is somewhat unreasonable! hahahaha

My response is that if it would stop raining so much, there wouldn't be so many stupid weeds!  At least the plants themselves look lush and healthy, when you can find them amongst the weeds :)

I cut my first Sunflowers last night - you are supposed to take off the lead flower to start the year off, so the plants will get bushier, so I am enjoying the lead flowers myself, but within a week or two, there will be lots to sell at the stand!  I also have a lot of Shasta Daisies ready to for cut flowers this week!  I don't know why, but Shastas and Sunflowers just make me smile - they just seem like happiness flowers!  I hope you love them too!

I saw my first zuchinni while weeding on the weekend!  Only still tiny, but we all know how fast and abundant they will grow - so look for an announcement for that. That also means, I will be making more of the Spicy Hot Dog Relish soon too! Also, my Rhubarb is ready for the second cut!  I can't believe it!  It's at least 2 to 3 weeks early for the second cut, but YAYY!!  I will be in the process of making Strawberry - Rhubarb jam again next week - the Strawberries in the Valley are amazing right now - make sure you get out and buy some - I buy mine at Krause Farms, but I hear that Driediger Farms, and Mann Farms are awesome as well.

It's raining this morning, so I will take advantage of this weather and get some housework done ( and maybe a little shopping :)).

Hope you all have a fabulous week, and a wonderful Long Weekend if you get it off!  Stop by if you get a chance - would love to meet you!

Happy Gardening!
Yakashiro Farm & Gardens
28875 Haverman Road
In Beautiful Bradner, BC

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